How does fundraising = activism?
We focus on organizing donors who don’t consider themselves in the major donor “class.” We believe that means you! Fundraising is organizing and anyone can do it.
We think that the resources below will answer many of your questions and inspire you! And then move to our Get Started Now page.
Whats and Whys of Political Donations
5 Facts about U.S. Political Donations (credit: Pew Research)
10 Reasons Why Donors Give (credit: Bluem Ventures)
Whats and Whys of Donor Organizing
The Movement’s Invisible Army (it’s volunteer donor organizers) (credit: Bluem Ventures)
A Volunteer Fundraiser’s Journey from Anxiety to Action (credit: Vera Sandronsky)
Viva La Causa: Fundraising Lessons from the United Farm Workers Movement (credit: Rona Fernandez, Grassroots Fundraising Journal)
Impact of Your Influence and Asks
3 Min Video: You Have More Influence Than You Think (credit: Vanessa Bohns, Cornell social psychologist that studies help-seeking and social influence)
Anyone Can Be a Relational Fundraiser (credit: Bluem Ventures)
Why Volunteers Make the Best Fundraisers (credit: Andy Robinson, Grassroots Fundraising Journal)
Why Focus on the Middle Class?